when pain surprises you

When Pain Surprises You

They gathered there smiling, hands to their sides, drawn inexplicably. “That baby is dorable [adorable],” J nods and smiles. “Your baby is perfect,” E chimes in. “So cute,” L agrees. My heart clenches to see them huddle around the baby carrier, awe on their faces. I wonder to myself, “Why can’t we have more? Look…
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When Pain Surprises You

They gathered there smiling, hands to their sides, drawn inexplicably. “That baby is dorable [adorable],” J nods and smiles. “Your baby is perfect,” E chimes in. “So cute,” L agrees. My heart clenches to see them huddle around the baby carrier, awe on their faces. I wonder to myself, “Why can’t we have more? Look…
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