Toilet training

Coffee Stains…

So my attitude has been terrible lately…. Bad attitude about events I needed to attend Bad attitude about potty training Bad attitude about cleaning my house Bad attitude about writing Bad attitude….I prayed my attitude would not infect others. I believe mostly I kept it between God and I…There was that one morning…My bad attitude…
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It is That Time in Our House…

Potty training time. I haven’t met anyone yet who says they love to potty train. I am in that boat. Yet at some point the child must learn. Wednesday I gave a talk and had a babysitter come to watch my little potty training man. I gave her the run down on how the potty…
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Taking Time for Zacchaeus

“‘cchaeus, mommy I wuv dat song,” he lisps as he stands unmoving in the middle of the hallway of his school. “You sing it mommy pwease,” his eyes dance as he smiles and nods at me. In my head I had a check-list of all the things we needed to do before picking up his…
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Coffee Stains…

So my attitude has been terrible lately…. Bad attitude about events I needed to attend Bad attitude about potty training Bad attitude about cleaning my house Bad attitude about writing Bad attitude….I prayed my attitude would not infect others. I believe mostly I kept it between God and I…There was that one morning…My bad attitude…
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It is That Time in Our House…

Potty training time. I haven’t met anyone yet who says they love to potty train. I am in that boat. Yet at some point the child must learn. Wednesday I gave a talk and had a babysitter come to watch my little potty training man. I gave her the run down on how the potty…
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Taking Time for Zacchaeus

“‘cchaeus, mommy I wuv dat song,” he lisps as he stands unmoving in the middle of the hallway of his school. “You sing it mommy pwease,” his eyes dance as he smiles and nods at me. In my head I had a check-list of all the things we needed to do before picking up his…
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