Rethinking Christian Life
How Words Can Hinder Repentance and What to Do About It
“It’s God’s kindness that leads us to repentance. So why do I think harshness will lead my kids/husband/friend/co-worker to repentance? My tone either can hinder or encourage repentance. Which tone will I choose?” Those words flitted across my heart and I knew. . . I was guilty. . . Guilty of tonal offense. Tonal offense…
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How Words Can Hinder Repentance and What to Do About It
“It’s God’s kindness that leads us to repentance. So why do I think harshness will lead my kids/husband/friend/co-worker to repentance? My tone either can hinder or encourage repentance. Which tone will I choose?” Those words flitted across my heart and I knew. . . I was guilty. . . Guilty of tonal offense. Tonal offense…
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