Big Boy Bed, Tears, and A Thankful Heart
We finally did it. My sweet little man now has a big boy bed. I know that he was well past the age of needing a big boy bed. Signs he needed a big boy bed included: he has to bend his legs to fit into the pack-n-play when we go traveling and he climbed…
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Infertility Tears and More
I have become a crier. I HATE it. I don’t like crying in front of people, or being vulnerable. My mascara runs even though I use the “waterproof” kind. Then I walk around half the day with dark smudges under my eyes and no-body tells me. Do not get me wrong, I have more days…
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Big Boy Bed, Tears, and A Thankful Heart
We finally did it. My sweet little man now has a big boy bed. I know that he was well past the age of needing a big boy bed. Signs he needed a big boy bed included: he has to bend his legs to fit into the pack-n-play when we go traveling and he climbed…
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Infertility Tears and More
I have become a crier. I HATE it. I don’t like crying in front of people, or being vulnerable. My mascara runs even though I use the “waterproof” kind. Then I walk around half the day with dark smudges under my eyes and no-body tells me. Do not get me wrong, I have more days…
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