Rethinking Christian Life
Clothing, Rebellion, and the Church
My twin sister didn’t like dresses. At. All. We were probably five and she fought my mother as Sunday after Sunday we wore dresses, slips, tights, and fake patent leather shoes. I loved to wear dresses, but most days I played in the dirt and watched ants work. So for a few hours on…
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Rebellion, Not again…
So why am I thinking about rebellion? Those pesky stiff-necked Israelites did it again…Not long before Miriam and Aaron were speaking out against their brother, Moses. The Israelites have already accused Moses for bringing them to the desert to die or not feeding them the right food or there is no water…Now in Numbers 16,…
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Clothing, Rebellion, and the Church
My twin sister didn’t like dresses. At. All. We were probably five and she fought my mother as Sunday after Sunday we wore dresses, slips, tights, and fake patent leather shoes. I loved to wear dresses, but most days I played in the dirt and watched ants work. So for a few hours on…
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Rebellion, Not again…
So why am I thinking about rebellion? Those pesky stiff-necked Israelites did it again…Not long before Miriam and Aaron were speaking out against their brother, Moses. The Israelites have already accused Moses for bringing them to the desert to die or not feeding them the right food or there is no water…Now in Numbers 16,…
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