
Enough Faith: Trusting God When Things Don’t Go Our Way

And Jesus said to him, “‘If you can’! All things are possible for one who believes.” Immediately the father of the child cried out and said, “I believe; help my unbelief!” Mark 9:23-24 ESV “If only you had enough faith, you would be healed…” I’ve heard folks utter those words too many times. Is God really a great vending machine…
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An Election Prayer

Father God, thank You for the privilege it is to live in a free country in which we have  a right to vote for the leadership of our country. Lord may we always live in gratitude for the freedoms allowed under our constitution. Thank You for being Lord of Lords, King of Kings, and President…
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I Can’t Do it Alone Part II

On Tuesday I wrote about how I can’t do things alone…Click here to read it. Like hang organizers on the wall, sing four-part harmony, live the Christian life, and keep my house clean (yes I pay someone to help me)… What I didn’t realize is that so often I fail to ask you all for…
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Waving the White Flag

I am so glad to have Brooke McGlothlin guest post today. I have enjoyed getting to know her on her blog. She offers practical Godly tools for how to raise boys and a host of other things. I am sure you will be challenged by her post. Are you the mother of boys who often…
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God-sized Prayers

Ordinary. That is how I thought of myself as a young girl. Plain, girl next door, nothing too notable about me. This ordinary girl gave her life to Jesus at the age of seven. I feared hell, loved Jesus for His amazing sacrifice, and opened the door of my heart to Him. I lived an…
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Castle Geyser Yellowstone National Park


My voice reaches His ears. He who can hear my thoughts and knit me together. He who holds the universe in His hand and keeps us from floating off this rock that is hurtling through space. Yes the God who keeps the air breathable and knows the stars by name, He hears us. Not only…
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Wrestling with God: The Series…Politics of Life

The deed is done and it stabs me through the heart. Their choices and actions stab and scrape against my soul. I cannot change their choices, all I can do is deal with the aftermath. Indignation rings and bounces in my heart and soul. “No one should act like this. Especially a fellow brother or…
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Wrestling with God: The Series… When God is Silent

I am excited to introduce you to my friend Jessica Kirkland. I asked her to share a time that she wrestled with God over some of her health problems. She is a mother of triplets (yes I said triplets), a soon to be realtor, and woman who loves God. She has a great head for…
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It’s a God Thing…

“That’s a better present than my American Girl Doll,” my eight-year-old beamed. Her birthday landed on Easter Sunday this year and she received many gifts. She got her ears pierced, some new earrings, a new American Girl Doll, and even a new dress. But her best gift started last week. E, my eight-year-old, goes to…
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Waiting, Writing, Waiting, Writing…

Have you watched the movie Facing Giants? Here is a short scene I want you to watch: God has given me a vision. It is a big one. One that I cannot make happen myself. One that I have to trust God to do in His time and in His way. At times this dream…
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Enough Faith: Trusting God When Things Don’t Go Our Way

And Jesus said to him, “‘If you can’! All things are possible for one who believes.” Immediately the father of the child cried out and said, “I believe; help my unbelief!” Mark 9:23-24 ESV “If only you had enough faith, you would be healed…” I’ve heard folks utter those words too many times. Is God really a great vending machine…
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An Election Prayer

Father God, thank You for the privilege it is to live in a free country in which we have  a right to vote for the leadership of our country. Lord may we always live in gratitude for the freedoms allowed under our constitution. Thank You for being Lord of Lords, King of Kings, and President…
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I Can’t Do it Alone Part II

On Tuesday I wrote about how I can’t do things alone…Click here to read it. Like hang organizers on the wall, sing four-part harmony, live the Christian life, and keep my house clean (yes I pay someone to help me)… What I didn’t realize is that so often I fail to ask you all for…
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Waving the White Flag

I am so glad to have Brooke McGlothlin guest post today. I have enjoyed getting to know her on her blog. She offers practical Godly tools for how to raise boys and a host of other things. I am sure you will be challenged by her post. Are you the mother of boys who often…
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God-sized Prayers

Ordinary. That is how I thought of myself as a young girl. Plain, girl next door, nothing too notable about me. This ordinary girl gave her life to Jesus at the age of seven. I feared hell, loved Jesus for His amazing sacrifice, and opened the door of my heart to Him. I lived an…
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Castle Geyser Yellowstone National Park


My voice reaches His ears. He who can hear my thoughts and knit me together. He who holds the universe in His hand and keeps us from floating off this rock that is hurtling through space. Yes the God who keeps the air breathable and knows the stars by name, He hears us. Not only…
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Wrestling with God: The Series…Politics of Life

The deed is done and it stabs me through the heart. Their choices and actions stab and scrape against my soul. I cannot change their choices, all I can do is deal with the aftermath. Indignation rings and bounces in my heart and soul. “No one should act like this. Especially a fellow brother or…
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Wrestling with God: The Series… When God is Silent

I am excited to introduce you to my friend Jessica Kirkland. I asked her to share a time that she wrestled with God over some of her health problems. She is a mother of triplets (yes I said triplets), a soon to be realtor, and woman who loves God. She has a great head for…
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It’s a God Thing…

“That’s a better present than my American Girl Doll,” my eight-year-old beamed. Her birthday landed on Easter Sunday this year and she received many gifts. She got her ears pierced, some new earrings, a new American Girl Doll, and even a new dress. But her best gift started last week. E, my eight-year-old, goes to…
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Waiting, Writing, Waiting, Writing…

Have you watched the movie Facing Giants? Here is a short scene I want you to watch: God has given me a vision. It is a big one. One that I cannot make happen myself. One that I have to trust God to do in His time and in His way. At times this dream…
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