
Three Empty Chairs

My blessings have been prodding and poking the painful places in my soul lately. As God is apt to do He uses their naivety to shed light on things I would prefer to leave in the dark. He shakes me awake through them as they open their hearts to me… “Mommy, I want another baby…
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Big Boy Bed, Tears, and A Thankful Heart

We finally did it. My sweet little man now has a big boy bed. I know that he was well past the age of needing a big boy bed. Signs he needed a big boy bed included: he has to bend his legs to fit into the pack-n-play when we go traveling and he climbed…
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What to do with Longings

As I sat in church one Sunday I was distracted. There was a precious child sitting behind me with his grandparents. He was cooing, drinking a bottle, smiling, and laughing. I smiled and a tear developed in my eye as my heart constricted. I wondered how any of us make it through Sunday morning at…
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Three Empty Chairs

My blessings have been prodding and poking the painful places in my soul lately. As God is apt to do He uses their naivety to shed light on things I would prefer to leave in the dark. He shakes me awake through them as they open their hearts to me… “Mommy, I want another baby…
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Big Boy Bed, Tears, and A Thankful Heart

We finally did it. My sweet little man now has a big boy bed. I know that he was well past the age of needing a big boy bed. Signs he needed a big boy bed included: he has to bend his legs to fit into the pack-n-play when we go traveling and he climbed…
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What to do with Longings

As I sat in church one Sunday I was distracted. There was a precious child sitting behind me with his grandparents. He was cooing, drinking a bottle, smiling, and laughing. I smiled and a tear developed in my eye as my heart constricted. I wondered how any of us make it through Sunday morning at…
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