hunger for God


My belly growls, but I can’t think of a single thing that will satisfy. I wander into my pantry and consider my options. I shake my head and move to the refrigerator. After sorting the left-overs into moldy and not moldy stacks, I still cannot find anything to satisfy my growling stomach. I sigh and…
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How to Hunger for Him

My stomach often seems to be unsatisfied. It rumbles and gurgles begging for more. Sometimes I cannot trust it’s appetite. There are times I cannot seem to be filled no matter how much I eat. Those are the days that I feel like I could cut off my own arm and eat it if nothing…
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My belly growls, but I can’t think of a single thing that will satisfy. I wander into my pantry and consider my options. I shake my head and move to the refrigerator. After sorting the left-overs into moldy and not moldy stacks, I still cannot find anything to satisfy my growling stomach. I sigh and…
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How to Hunger for Him

My stomach often seems to be unsatisfied. It rumbles and gurgles begging for more. Sometimes I cannot trust it’s appetite. There are times I cannot seem to be filled no matter how much I eat. Those are the days that I feel like I could cut off my own arm and eat it if nothing…
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