Rethinking Christian Life, Rethinking God
My belly growls, but I can’t think of a single thing that will satisfy. I wander into my pantry and consider my options. I shake my head and move to the refrigerator. After sorting the left-overs into moldy and not moldy stacks, I still cannot find anything to satisfy my growling stomach. I sigh and…
Read More Rethinking Christian Life, Rethinking God, Rethinking God's Word
How to Hunger for Him
My stomach often seems to be unsatisfied. It rumbles and gurgles begging for more. Sometimes I cannot trust it’s appetite. There are times I cannot seem to be filled no matter how much I eat. Those are the days that I feel like I could cut off my own arm and eat it if nothing…
Read More Rethinking Christian Life, Rethinking God
My belly growls, but I can’t think of a single thing that will satisfy. I wander into my pantry and consider my options. I shake my head and move to the refrigerator. After sorting the left-overs into moldy and not moldy stacks, I still cannot find anything to satisfy my growling stomach. I sigh and…
Read More Rethinking Christian Life, Rethinking God, Rethinking God's Word
How to Hunger for Him
My stomach often seems to be unsatisfied. It rumbles and gurgles begging for more. Sometimes I cannot trust it’s appetite. There are times I cannot seem to be filled no matter how much I eat. Those are the days that I feel like I could cut off my own arm and eat it if nothing…
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