Rethinking Christian Life
Grace and Truth – Healing Only Comes in the Light
Yesterday I was in bed by 9 PM. Yes I missed as one of my friends put it “One of the best [NCAA Men’s D I basketball] championship games ever.” In fact I didn’t even turn it on. Perhaps someone should check my temperature… Anyway, the question is did I get up in the morning? The…
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And It’s Monday…Again…
Have you ever known you need to do something, but struggle doing it? You know you need to work-out regularly, but somehow the day gets away from you and then three weeks have gone by and you haven’t broken a sweat? You know you need to wake early in the morning because you are more…
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Tradition, Change, and the Body
Tradition. That word chafes my heart. It seems restrictive and judgmental. Heroes of the faith broke tradition and brought revival. At times tradition feels like a pair of skinny jeans two sizes too small. If I can get them on they will restrict my movement, make it difficult to eat, maybe even breathe. But is…
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Grace and Truth – Healing Only Comes in the Light
Yesterday I was in bed by 9 PM. Yes I missed as one of my friends put it “One of the best [NCAA Men’s D I basketball] championship games ever.” In fact I didn’t even turn it on. Perhaps someone should check my temperature… Anyway, the question is did I get up in the morning? The…
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And It’s Monday…Again…
Have you ever known you need to do something, but struggle doing it? You know you need to work-out regularly, but somehow the day gets away from you and then three weeks have gone by and you haven’t broken a sweat? You know you need to wake early in the morning because you are more…
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Tradition, Change, and the Body
Tradition. That word chafes my heart. It seems restrictive and judgmental. Heroes of the faith broke tradition and brought revival. At times tradition feels like a pair of skinny jeans two sizes too small. If I can get them on they will restrict my movement, make it difficult to eat, maybe even breathe. But is…
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