God and infertility

Infertility: How Do You Do It?

I remember the day my hope of naturally conceiving a child was over. Searing pain radiated from my left lower abdomen through my back up to my shoulder-blade. My fallopian tube ripped open causing my baby to miscarry and me to bleed internally. I knew because I felt the same pain on my right side…
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How Infertility Feels

Reproduction is a bodily function. We take it for granted that our bodies will work correctly. That eggs are released and tubes are open. That sperm come in enough number that at some point in the tube the sperm and egg meet. Then the embryo moves from the tube to the uterus where it implants…
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Wrestling with God: The Series and a Give away

Welcome everyone. If you have come here from (in)courage I am so glad you found me! If you haven’t read my guest post at (in)courage. Here is a special message from me to you! Now for the Give-Away opportunity…I am giving away a $50 Amazon Gift-Card. How do you enter? 1. Subscribe either by e-mail,…
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Infertility: How Do You Do It?

I remember the day my hope of naturally conceiving a child was over. Searing pain radiated from my left lower abdomen through my back up to my shoulder-blade. My fallopian tube ripped open causing my baby to miscarry and me to bleed internally. I knew because I felt the same pain on my right side…
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How Infertility Feels

Reproduction is a bodily function. We take it for granted that our bodies will work correctly. That eggs are released and tubes are open. That sperm come in enough number that at some point in the tube the sperm and egg meet. Then the embryo moves from the tube to the uterus where it implants…
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Wrestling with God: The Series and a Give away

Welcome everyone. If you have come here from (in)courage I am so glad you found me! If you haven’t read my guest post at (in)courage. Here is a special message from me to you! Now for the Give-Away opportunity…I am giving away a $50 Amazon Gift-Card. How do you enter? 1. Subscribe either by e-mail,…
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