
How to Keep Our Eyes on Jesus When We Fail, Again

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. 1 Peter 2:9 Failure. It is a label I carry around in my heart and mind. One I plaster…
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Remember…When All You Want to Do is Forget

There are certain things I would rather forget. Things I want others to forget. I want to pretend it never happened and move on… Isn’t that what forgiveness is?   Shouldn’t everyone just forgive and forget? Move past my mistakes…and just go on? “Remember and do not forget how you provoked the Lord your God to wrath…
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“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes…” Romans 1:16 Ashamed. My heart twisted in my chest and my cheeks burned. Hot like the searing in my heart. I did it and now I am done. I knew better, but I…
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Ten years ago plans became missiles, buildings burned, people jumped, and to our horror those buildings crumbled before our eyes. One plane crashed into a field as passengers rose up. Our false sense of security gone in mere minutes. My heart burns at the those images seared into my brain. Ten years later I can…
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The Truth…About Me

Do you ever say something and immediately wish you could somehow swallow those words back down as if they never were? Then walk off thinking failure… Do you find yourself is situations of your own creating wondering how I got roped into doing this? Do you wonder if your heart is wrong if if you…
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Summer Cleaning..Right

I am not a great housekeeper. In fact I would argue that I am not even a “good” housekeeper. I actually pay someone to help clean the house…I am unorganized and I ignore things. If I don’t like the piles on the kitchen island, I don’t look at the piles. I do not think I…
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Wrestling with God: The Series…Politics of Life

The deed is done and it stabs me through the heart. Their choices and actions stab and scrape against my soul. I cannot change their choices, all I can do is deal with the aftermath. Indignation rings and bounces in my heart and soul. “No one should act like this. Especially a fellow brother or…
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Apart From Me You Can Do Nothing

Last week was extremely busy. Three programs, one field trip, my in-laws came to visit, and field day at school. I was running, running, running. When days are busy I don’t take good care of myself. I don’t sleep when I should, I don’t eat what I should. I begin to run on empty. Spiritually…
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How to Celebrate Good Friday and a Give AWAY!

The question hangs in the air. It asked by countless people across the world. “Why is Good Friday called good?” That question reverberates with me each year as Easter approaches. I wonder how I can celebrate a sham of a trial, an innocent man sentenced to die, a gruesome death, and all for me. But…
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Socially Inept to Socially Confident in 24 hours

It isn’t easy being me. I don’t mean my life is harder than average. I mean it is exhausting being me. One Saturday night my husband and I had an event to attend. I only had slight acquaintances with the attendees and a bad attitude. I didn’t want to go, I was uncomfortable, scared, and…
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How to Keep Our Eyes on Jesus When We Fail, Again

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. 1 Peter 2:9 Failure. It is a label I carry around in my heart and mind. One I plaster…
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Remember…When All You Want to Do is Forget

There are certain things I would rather forget. Things I want others to forget. I want to pretend it never happened and move on… Isn’t that what forgiveness is?   Shouldn’t everyone just forgive and forget? Move past my mistakes…and just go on? “Remember and do not forget how you provoked the Lord your God to wrath…
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“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes…” Romans 1:16 Ashamed. My heart twisted in my chest and my cheeks burned. Hot like the searing in my heart. I did it and now I am done. I knew better, but I…
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Ten years ago plans became missiles, buildings burned, people jumped, and to our horror those buildings crumbled before our eyes. One plane crashed into a field as passengers rose up. Our false sense of security gone in mere minutes. My heart burns at the those images seared into my brain. Ten years later I can…
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The Truth…About Me

Do you ever say something and immediately wish you could somehow swallow those words back down as if they never were? Then walk off thinking failure… Do you find yourself is situations of your own creating wondering how I got roped into doing this? Do you wonder if your heart is wrong if if you…
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Summer Cleaning..Right

I am not a great housekeeper. In fact I would argue that I am not even a “good” housekeeper. I actually pay someone to help clean the house…I am unorganized and I ignore things. If I don’t like the piles on the kitchen island, I don’t look at the piles. I do not think I…
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Wrestling with God: The Series…Politics of Life

The deed is done and it stabs me through the heart. Their choices and actions stab and scrape against my soul. I cannot change their choices, all I can do is deal with the aftermath. Indignation rings and bounces in my heart and soul. “No one should act like this. Especially a fellow brother or…
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Apart From Me You Can Do Nothing

Last week was extremely busy. Three programs, one field trip, my in-laws came to visit, and field day at school. I was running, running, running. When days are busy I don’t take good care of myself. I don’t sleep when I should, I don’t eat what I should. I begin to run on empty. Spiritually…
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How to Celebrate Good Friday and a Give AWAY!

The question hangs in the air. It asked by countless people across the world. “Why is Good Friday called good?” That question reverberates with me each year as Easter approaches. I wonder how I can celebrate a sham of a trial, an innocent man sentenced to die, a gruesome death, and all for me. But…
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Socially Inept to Socially Confident in 24 hours

It isn’t easy being me. I don’t mean my life is harder than average. I mean it is exhausting being me. One Saturday night my husband and I had an event to attend. I only had slight acquaintances with the attendees and a bad attitude. I didn’t want to go, I was uncomfortable, scared, and…
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