Rethinking Challenges, Rethinking Christian Life
We are at war. We, in the US, have troops fighting in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya. All day long our soldiers wear armor. Bulletproof vests and helmets. They carry weapons to mount offensives. They are tough. I wonder what would happen if everyday we followers of Christ would remember we are at war. What if…
Read More Misc, Rethinking God's Word
My Not-So-Spiritual SIGH!
I got behind. Out of routine, out of time, out of sync. Behind in my Chronological Bible reading. I needed to read half of the March 27th reading and all of March 28th reading on March 28th. Reading the Bible in chronological order means I am in the Old Testament and will be for most…
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Saturday is for…
Pancakes and battles…Coffee and AWANA work…. What are you doing this Saturday?
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The Lamp Lesson
When God is teaching me something, He often gives me opportunities at putting those new lessons in action. I had no idea that a lamp would provide such a lesson, but then again who knew a plunger could help either? I recently purchased a lamp for my second blessing, L. Her bare nightstand begged for…
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Epic Failure…
Samuel at the end of his tenure as Israel’s High Priest and Judge, probably felt like an epic failure. His sons were not following in his faith. They behaved wickedly, took bribes, and did not obey God. (1 Samuel 8) Not only did his sons not follow God, but the whole nation was looking for an…
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Battle of the Mind
Jeremiah 17:9 says, “The heart is deceitful and beyond cure. Who can understand it?” How painfully true this statement often is in my life. Have you ever known in your head something to be true or logical, but your heart kept telling you different. It is like when you were a kid and you started…
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Freedom in Christ…
So a sweet friend of mine posted on her facebook page the following question: Are you Free in Jesus Christ? If you are – how did you get there? If not – why are you not there? Here is an expanded version of my answer to my sweet friend. By the way, I LOVE it…
Read More Rethinking Challenges, Rethinking Christian Life
We are at war. We, in the US, have troops fighting in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya. All day long our soldiers wear armor. Bulletproof vests and helmets. They carry weapons to mount offensives. They are tough. I wonder what would happen if everyday we followers of Christ would remember we are at war. What if…
Read More Misc, Rethinking God's Word
My Not-So-Spiritual SIGH!
I got behind. Out of routine, out of time, out of sync. Behind in my Chronological Bible reading. I needed to read half of the March 27th reading and all of March 28th reading on March 28th. Reading the Bible in chronological order means I am in the Old Testament and will be for most…
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Saturday is for…
Pancakes and battles…Coffee and AWANA work…. What are you doing this Saturday?
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The Lamp Lesson
When God is teaching me something, He often gives me opportunities at putting those new lessons in action. I had no idea that a lamp would provide such a lesson, but then again who knew a plunger could help either? I recently purchased a lamp for my second blessing, L. Her bare nightstand begged for…
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Epic Failure…
Samuel at the end of his tenure as Israel’s High Priest and Judge, probably felt like an epic failure. His sons were not following in his faith. They behaved wickedly, took bribes, and did not obey God. (1 Samuel 8) Not only did his sons not follow God, but the whole nation was looking for an…
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Battle of the Mind
Jeremiah 17:9 says, “The heart is deceitful and beyond cure. Who can understand it?” How painfully true this statement often is in my life. Have you ever known in your head something to be true or logical, but your heart kept telling you different. It is like when you were a kid and you started…
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Freedom in Christ…
So a sweet friend of mine posted on her facebook page the following question: Are you Free in Jesus Christ? If you are – how did you get there? If not – why are you not there? Here is an expanded version of my answer to my sweet friend. By the way, I LOVE it…
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