A Little Reality

In case you have a picture of me…Dressed perfectly…Perfect kids…Neat and tidy house….

Let me tell you the reality of me…

1. I LOVE to wear “work-out clothes.” Always. An elastic waistband and a cotton t-shirt make me smile. I feel home. Don’t get me wrong dressing up is ok, but I prefer active wear. 😉 Dressing like that is more comfortable and quicker than dressing up…

2. Sometimes my kids and I have p.j. days. Yes really…I spend a whole day wearing pajamas. In fact I am tainting my kids because they LOVE p.j. days too.

3. I have no ability to organize. I dream of a tidy home, I try to, there are times when it is better than others. However most days my house looks like an office and a toy room married and had kids. Papers and toys everywhere. I claim my twin sister stole my organizing gene in utero. She is organized and tidy. I am not. Praying somehow the gene is recessive and my kids can have it…I doubt it, but I would like it!

4. My kids are not perfect. I have drama, thumb-sucking, potty-training issues, and straight up defiance. I wonder where they got that? Let’s move on…

5. I often have to warm up my coffee because I get distracted and don’t drink it until it is cold. Sometimes I drink it cold.

6. I love my husband, but I often don’t respond to him as I should. Yet he loves me and calls me beautiful (even on my p.j. days).

I am glad that God doesn’t call the perfect…Aren’t you? He loves us the way we are and sees Jesus in us. AMAZING!!!

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Yes, in case you didn’t know, I am writing a book. 😉 A publisher and an agent are considering my proposal. Keep praying and I will keep you posted!

I am praying for you and appreciate your prayers for me!